Co-development of an action plan, based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of your needs, followed by implementation by our experts.
Ann was a lawyer and manager in various law firms for more than 20 years. She developed a broad experience in dealing with different stakeholders in small and large organisations.
Perceptions, interpretations or (latent) conflicts have a significant impact on people's well-being. These situations are often not dealt with adequately, regularly minimised and the awareness is missing that this can lead to absenteeism and burn-out.
Being passionate about well-being and the impact of communication, Ann works both preventive and curatively. Ann is a trainer in Non-Violent or Connecting Communication. Her toolbox also includes Deep Democracy, mindfulness and heart coherence. Besides being a lawyer, she is an accredited mediator and facilitator of group discussions in the work context, family and business context. Ann also coaches her clients in preparing important or difficult discussions or meetings.
She helps people and organisations to address conflicts in a sustainable and conscious way and to become aware of the power of real listening and speaking. It enables them to break the deadlock, accept each other's differences, understand each other's needs to then turn the page and move forward in a positive and constructive way.
Communicating in a connecting and sustainable way clearly plays an essential role in wellbeing, diversity and retention policy. Ann also plays her part in the reintegration after burn-out, by guiding discussions with all stakeholders thus lowering the threshold to start working together again.
Ann is fluent in Dutch, French and English and is known as warm, passionate, empathetic, pragmatic and professional.
Co-development of an action plan, based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of your needs, followed by implementation by our experts.
Team contracts, training, workshops and coaching. We support and strengthen your managers and teams.
Two conferences BOOST your well-being: personal and at work, a practical and extensive guide, workshops, training courses ... will enable each employee to create their own individual action plan.
Co-creation of a strategic mental health and well-being plan, we offer face-to-face sessions to develop a shared knowledge and language within your company. Each employee becomes an ACTOR of his or her own individual well-being and of the well-being of the company as a whole, in partnership with his or her manager and the organisation.
Anne Everard
Guide pour prendre soin de votre bien-être !
L'objectif est d'apporter des cléfs pour être bien dans votre tête et dans votre corps. Retrouvez votre énergie grâce à la méthode des 50 petites cuillères.
Anne Everard
Gids om voor uw welzijn te zorgen!
Het doel is om de sleutels aan te reiken om goed in je geest en lichaam te zijn. Krijg weer energie met behulp van de 50 lepels methode.
Anne Everard
Guide to taking care of your well-being!
The objective is to provide the keys to being well in your mind and body. Regain your energy using the 50 SPOONS method, discover all the tips and tricks.