Co-development of an action plan, based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of your needs, followed by implementation by our experts.
Delphine Giersé holds a degree in business communications from the ULB. Very quickly, the human element became central to her career path. She quickly moved away from traditional event organization to put her organizational, communication and logistical skills to work for international NGOs (MSF and Oxfam).
The field has enabled her to specialise in health promotion. Raising awareness of public health issues among different groups of beneficiaries paved the way for conferences and running workshops.
On her return to Belgium, she decided to train as a coach to add to her professional toolbox, putting people and well-being in the workplace at the heart of her work. The sessions she runs are a perfect blend of benevolence and confrontation. They enable people to reconnect with what's essential by listening to their individual needs. Delphine Giersé guides people towards new horizons where respect and fulfilment are key.
Co-development of an action plan, based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of your needs, followed by implementation by our experts.
Team contracts, training, workshops and coaching. We support and strengthen your managers and teams.
Two conferences BOOST your well-being: personal and at work, a practical and extensive guide, workshops, training courses ... will enable each employee to create their own individual action plan.
Co-creation of a strategic mental health and well-being plan, we offer face-to-face sessions to develop a shared knowledge and language within your company. Each employee becomes an ACTOR of his or her own individual well-being and of the well-being of the company as a whole, in partnership with his or her manager and the organisation.
Anne Everard
Guide pour prendre soin de votre bien-être !
L'objectif est d'apporter des cléfs pour être bien dans votre tête et dans votre corps. Retrouvez votre énergie grâce à la méthode des 50 petites cuillères.
Anne Everard
Gids om voor uw welzijn te zorgen!
Het doel is om de sleutels aan te reiken om goed in je geest en lichaam te zijn. Krijg weer energie met behulp van de 50 lepels methode.
Anne Everard
Guide to taking care of your well-being!
The objective is to provide the keys to being well in your mind and body. Regain your energy using the 50 SPOONS method, discover all the tips and tricks.